Popular professions in Geneva

Administrative Assistant

983 salary entries

CHF 68 394

Account Manager

719 salary entries

CHF 58 565

Accounting Clerk

697 salary entries

CHF 84 466

Executive Assistant

501 salary entries

CHF 89 666


437 salary entries

CHF 57 600


404 salary entries

CHF 149 200

Truck Driver

387 salary entries

CHF 60 100

HR Assistant

367 salary entries

CHF 71 835

Commercial Manager

308 salary entries

CHF 65 000

Project Leader

306 salary entries

CHF 102 277

More salaries nearby



46 843 salaries

What is the average wage in the Canton of Geneva?

The French-speaking Canton of Geneva is a popular region for living and working, not only because of the beautiful Lake Geneva. Wages in this region are attractive; the median annual salary in the Canton of Geneva is CHF 77 516 and is therefore in the outermost frontline when compared to other cantons. This value is based on 31 524 entries on the salary comparison tool of jobs.ch. The capital of the canton is Geneva, where the most interesting jobs are also available, especially for people who speak German, French and English. Places like Lancy, Meyrin, Vernier or Plan-les-Ouates also play a role in the job search.

Which industries pay particularly well in the Canton of Geneva?

Thanks to the data from the jobs.ch salary check, we have identified the three best-paying sectors in the Canton of Geneva. First place goes to Banking / Financial institutions, second to Information technology / Telecom. and third to Chemicals / Pharmaceuticals. The cost of living is high, comparable to Zurich, but the canton borders on France, where cheaper shopping facilities are available. Despite the high cost of housing or leisure activities, the ratio between wages and expenses is very attractive and the quality of life is high.